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The Right Jesus

By Ewin James

Many of us know that Muslims, Mormons, and many other cultists and devotees worship gods that are condemned by the Bible. But we may not know that some so-called Christians also worship a Jesus who isn’t the Jesus of the Bible, though they insist that he is.

Their Jesus isn’t The Eternal Son of God who was with God His father from eternity: He didn’t exist before Bethlehem. He was formed in Mary’s womb.

They claim that in eternity there was only the Father and that when He decided to come to earth to redeem man, He created flesh in Mary’s womb– that is Jesus.  Their Jesus isn’t a distinct person in the Godhead, but a piece of flesh to contain the father.

That is not Bible. It is high heresy. Jino Jennings, the religious loudmouth from Philadelphia who has many followers in Jamaica, propounds this as though he were uttering revelation from Mount Sinai.

But the Bible teaches that from eternity the Son existed with His Father and that the Father sent Him to us; and from Mary He took the body He came in.

This is in the New and Old Testaments.

 I will look at a few verses in the Old Testament.

In the book of Proverbs written some 900 years before Jesus was born, we have in chapter 30 the words of an unknown sage named Agur addressed to Ithiel and Ucal, also unknown persons.

In verse 4 Agur asks:

Who has ascended into heaven, or descended?

Who has gathered the wind in His fists?

Who has bound the waters in a garment?

Who has established all the ends of the earth?

What is His name, and what is His Son’s name,

If you know? 

The answer obviously is God who ‘has gathered the winds in his fists, bound the waters in a garment and established the earth.’ This God has a Son, because Agur asks: What is His Son’s name? This was hundreds of years before Jesus was born in Bethlehem; so, He existed with His father as a distinct person before He came to earth.

The Book of Isaiah, written some 700 years before Christ came, contains great prophecies about the coming and work of the Messiah. Chapter 9: 6 is one of the most well-known: 

“For unto us a Child is born,

Unto us a Son is given;

And the government will be upon His shoulder.

And His name will be called

Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,

Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

What many people miss here is that the Child – the man- is born but the Son is not. He is given; which means he must have existed before He was born to be given by His Father. And the Son did exist before because He is “The Father of Eternity,” the eternal one.

Micah 5 :2 also speaks of the coming of the Davidic Messiah, hundreds of years before He was born:

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah,

Though you are little among the thousands of Judah,

Yet out of you shall come forth to Me

The One to be Ruler in Israel,

Whose goings forth are from of old,

From everlasting.”

Notice that the Messiah will come forth to God to be ruler in Israel; and that the Messiah, the ruler, is the one whose going are of old from everlasting, or ancient times. This means the Messiah, the Son of God, has been from everlasting.

What I have mentioned is only a sampling of many verses that teach that Jesus is the Eternal Son who was with His father from eternity. So, to say that Jesus didn’t exist as a distinct person with his Father before coming to earth is unbiblical.

Ewin James is a writer and pastor living in Florida.


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