The Top 3 Most Profitable Skills in Runescape

Everybody needs gold, and here’s how to get them
Farming RS3 gold can be such a bore. It’s the same action over and over and over and over again. If the method is inefficient, it feels like ages before reaching a target amount of Runescape gold to earn. Sooner or later, you’ll start getting bored of the activity, and motivation to earn dwindles into nothing.
That said, here are the most profitable Runescape skills to train and master early. It might take some time before you get to see major profits, so be patient. Also, take note that two of them are Members-only skills, so one option is left for F2P players.
Creatures of all kinds roam about Gielinor. Some of them can’t be hurt in the usual ways. With the Slayer skill, however, you get to access otherwise unavailable tactics to defeat them. That’s what the Slayer skill does.
To train it, you need to talk to Slayer Masters and get a task. You’ll be given a quest of sorts to defeat a number of a certain enemy. For example, all Slayer Masters can give the task of killing (for example) 10 Kalphites. This is the only way to gain experience for the skill, in addition to receiving experience from combat normally.
At higher Slayer Levels, you can start hunting higher leveled enemies. They, in turn, drop more valuable Runescape items you can sell in the GE. The targets that bring in the most bacon are the Abyssal Dragons, Spiritual Mages, Lava Strykewyrms, Edimmu, and Rune Dragons. Profits from Slayer tasks may depend on what happens to be your target, but choosing high-level ones will typically net decent earnings.
Though it is Members-only skill, F2P players can still train Slayer up to level 5, just to get a taste of it. It’s not far enough to make any significant profits, which still makes it a Members-only method.
Runecrafting lets you craft Runes required for casting spells, as well as a requirement for using Blast and Surge Boxes. As a crafting skill, leveling this up requires extensive clicking. Along with that, you’ll need to craft thousands of Runes to reach level 120.
At any rate, the best way to earn while leveling Runecrafting is by making combination Runes. Examples include Steam, Mud, Lava, Smoke, and Dust Runes. They’re rarer to find, which lends much to their value for players.
If you don’t mind the extensive clicking, this is a good way to earn gold. It might be slower, and profits may fluctuate due to missed clicks or slower production. You’re only human, and you might find yourself slowing down because of fatigue.
Hunter is a gathering skill where you gather live animals instead of plants or rocks. This is the way to get the Chinchompa as well as the Salamander weapons. Mostly, you do it with specialized Hunter equipment such as traps or nets.
The most profit comes from collecting and selling Salamanders (both Black and Red), Grenwalls, and Shadow Jadinkos. Salamanders can become expensive Ranged weapons, at about 3k gold per Red Salamander and double that for Black ones. Grenwalls give spikes as ingredients for Ranging Potions or alternative arrow shafts.
Additional Information
Smithing and Mining are the next two skills that are quite profitable. They even feed into each other, as sometimes the crafted object through Smithing is more expensive than the raw materials from Mining.
For some of the skills above, you’ll need an initial investment to get started in training the skill. For example, you’ll need some equipment for Slayer tasks and Hunter. As for Runecrafting, you’ll need the essences and the proper tiara or staff to start making Runes. Don’t worry, you’ll earn it back soon enough.
None of these are exactly AFK methods, they all need some amount of attention. However, the one that requires the most focus is Runecrafting, so if you want to multitask somehow, don’t use that method. These methods might not let you get one of those rare RS3 discontinued items, but they’ll give you enough to pad your wallet. It can be possible with perseverance and a bit of penny-pinching, but it’ll take some time to gather enough.
At any rate, whether or not you’re trying to get one, gathering RS3 gold is still a worthwhile activity. You’ll still need it for all kinds of services and needed supplies. In the end, the most important thing is to enjoy the game!