The UWI Faculty of Sport and the Open Campus collaborate to deliver first online Sport Broadcasting Training Workshop

Continuing and Professional Education Centre. Tuesday, September 1, 2020 — From July 20th to August 14th, 2020, The UWI Faculty of Sport through the Open Campus Academy of Sport developed and successfully delivered an online Sport Broadcasting training workshop to fourteen (14) sporting professionals across the region.
The four week, twenty hour long training was facilitated by renowned experts within the sporting discipline of cricket – Alan Wilkins, former Cricketer and internationally renowned Sports Broadcaster, as well as Daren Ganga, former West Indies Captain, Cricket Broadcaster, now Project Officer within The UWI Faculty of Sport. The training attracted cricketers, sport captains and aspiring broadcasters from across the West Indies. Each participant was awarded a UWI Open Campus Certificate of Participation with two Continuing Education Units (CEUs). CEUs are an internationally recognized system of merit for persons pursuing Continuing and Professional Education.
The Sport Broadcasting Training Workshop content was developed with the intent to instil in participants an appreciation for the profile and demands of sport consumers as well as knowledge of and practice in sport broadcasting techniques. The content aimed to provide the trainees with the competence to consistently offer polished, accurate, relevant and exciting broadcast of major games to sport lovers in the region, Caribbean diaspora and the world.
Participants engaged in discussions centred on topics including, among others, sport broadcast ethics and international standards, techniques of sport broadcasting to educating and entertaining diverse patrons through well-researched, exciting and culturally relevant commentary, producing polished, accurate, professional and engaging sport broadcasts, and critiquing sport commentaries by adopting and adapting promising sport commentary practices.
In their responses to the Workshop Evaluation Survey, issued by the Open Campus, the participants expressed their overwhelming appreciation for the content, the delivery of the training and their experience.
One participant shared: “The fact that we had two highly recognized facilitators conducting the workshop made it highly credible.”
Another participant shared: “The most valuable aspect about the workshop was having to produce actual varied broadcast content, inclusive of interviews and a live commentary piece.”
The training of these sporting professionals in the area of broadcasting is the first of its kind offered by The UWI Faculty of Sport via the Open Campus Academy of Sport. If persons are interested in learning more about other sport related initiatives and upcoming training offered by The UWI Faculty of Sport and the Open Campus Academy of Sport, please visit
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