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The Viganò Tapes, Martin

By Melissa Martin

The Viganò Tapes 

Melissa Martin

At the end of August 2021, an interview took place – so disturbing, so shocking, so incomprehensible – could it be true?  

Inside the Vatican, a magazine that reports on Vatican affairs published the transcripts and videos of 18 tapes. Dr. Robert Moynihan, an American journalist, asked 18 questions. Visit

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano alleges the COVID-19 pandemic is a smokescreen for the powerful elitists to form a one world government (the great reset) to depopulate and control the people. 

The following are excerpts from the interview: 

Tape #2: “It is obvious that rulers are not pursuing the common good when they expose a population to experimentation without scientific basis, even in the face of evidence of the vaccine’s ineffectiveness and the damage it causes to those who have received it.”  

Tape #3: “And it is scandalous, as well as a source of great sorrow, to see that in the face of this ruthless and cruel massacre the majority of Bishops are silent, or rather they align themselves obediently out of fear, self-interest or ideological blindness.” 

Tape #5: “We cannot ask for justice for a wrong we have suffered if the judge who ought to condemn those who infringe on our rights is their accomplice. We cannot turn to politicians, expecting them to revoke the violation of our fundamental freedoms, if they are the very ones voting for these violations in Parliaments because they obey those who pay them or blackmail them.” 

Tape #7: “These tyrants, barricaded in their palaces guarded by armed guards, behave like Sennacherib, deifying authority in themselves, in a delirium of omnipotence guaranteed to them by the availability of financial, political and media means.” 

Tape #8: “In no case should it be tolerated that a pseudo-pandemic, whose victims are fewer in number than the victims of the supposed vaccines, become an alibi for imposing controls and limitations on natural freedoms and civil rights. And if the media, enslaved to power and accomplices of this conspiracy, censor every dissenting voice, this should persuade us that the dystopian society described by Orwell is now being realized following a precise script, under a single direction.” 

Tape #9: “The pandemic was intended to impose a social control that under normal conditions would have been rejected with disdain by the masses, but which, thanks to media terrorism and the complicity of doctors, politicians, magistrates and law enforcement agencies, could be introduced in many nations and even in the ecclesiastical institutions themselves…” 

According to Archbishop Vigano, the Rockefeller Foundation has predicted four scenarios: pandemic, climate emergency, cyber-attack, and economic crisis – all global in magnitude.  

The Washington Times published a 2021 article “Archbishop Vigano rips Vatican conference with Fauci, says Holy See ‘servant of the New World Order.’” Visit

Archbishop Vigano spoke live via video (from Sicily) at a recent meeting for the Reawaken America Rally. “But the slumber of Americans and all peoples have lasted far too long: it is now the moment to open our eyes, to wake up, and to understand what has happened and what is happening. It is the moment to act…Let us have no illusions: these servants of the New World Order who have managed to occupy the highest positions of national governments and international organizations are our enemies: enemies of the good and enemies of God. They do not care how many of us will have to die from the effects of the vaccine, from hunger or from bombs: they are only interested in power, personal advantage and the advantage of their masters, whom so far no one has dared to incriminate and condemn.” 

Reawakening America is an inspiring social and political commentary that speaks to the American spirit and encourages citizens to stand up to the corruption deceit violence and divisiveness that is plaguing the United States. Visit

Readers: I am not on this side or that side – I am on the side of truth and justice. I am not on the side of Republicans nor Democrats – I am on the side of the people. I am on the side of freedom. 

Melissa Martin, Ph.D., is a syndicated opinion-editorial columnist. She lives in USA.


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