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Top 4 reasons why neglecting your IT is not an option

Why an Old Adage Rings True in the World of Information Technology.

Being penny wise and pound foolish is not the motto or business plan of any Fortune 500 company in business today. It’s safe to say that in the Twenty First Century most successful business rely heavily on computers and networks that connect them to maintain a standard level of service, security and online connectivity, so without a competent IT department to keep things running smoothly any business, big or small, will fail to grow and prosper. Therefore, a solid Information Technology department can drive growth by helping a company outsmart, outpace and out-deliver competitors while allowing a business to process large amounts of data using a huge quantity of processing power, complex computer software and deft human analytical skills. Information Technology is more than just savvy people helping to resolve computer issues no matter how big or small, a good IT department can help businesses achieve strategic objectives by applying technology to solve business and organizational difficulties on a broad scale as well. With all that in mind, here are some obvious reasons not to neglect Information Technology if you wish to run a successful business.

An Inefficient Information Technology Department Leads to Costly Chaos.

In the cut-throat, high-tech business environment of the modern world, it is impossible to understate the importance of maintaining an efficient Information Technology department that can prevent costly downtime and foresee problems before they manifest and spiral out of control into total chaos. The recent inability of the growing social network, Parley, to find a new host due to the Information Technology Department’s inability to provide proactive solutions to issues before they became an issue cost the company time, money, reputation and subscribers because of the glaring failure of the IT department to minimize downtime which in the end garnered the company worldwide negative news headlines. The IT professionals at note how costly downtime, excessive and unpredictable IT spending and hiring an unresponsive or inadequate IT company can be in the long run. 

Efficient Software Solutions and Hardware Upgrades Keep Companies Safe andCompetitive. 

A good Information Technology Department should know that if software and hardware is outdated, they can’t deliver optimal performance which in turn causes the business to suffer therefore IT should be encouraged to recommend the best hardware and software available to drive strong company growth and cutting-edge innovation. A healthy blend of hardware and software-based knowledge allows IT professionals to deploy and configure software applications, like an operating system or video-editing tool, to run efficiently on the best hardware; motherboard, central processing unit and hard drive acquirable to a company. Cutting corners by refusing to update software or purchase the best available hardware can harm your company by making your equipment vulnerable to viruses and cyber-attacks that can cripple or bankrupt your company. Case in point, cyber criminals recently accessed Home Depot’s network to deploy Backoff malware on self-checkout systems to steal credit and debit card information from approximately fifty-six million customers in over one-hundred thousand transactions before the company’s IT department contained the problem. Keeping all departments using computer software up-to-date with the most innovative and efficient tools available will prevent disaster in the long run.

You Get What You Pay for When It Comes to Diagnostics and Equipment Repair.

A successful company should cut cost and eliminate waste whenever possible, so make sure to hire an IT partner invested in your company’s success as well their own that can drive growth for your business by efficiently diagnosing and repairing problems using diagnostic tools such as Process Explorer, System Explorer and HWiNFO to name a few. Murphy’s Law dictates that a company’s Information Technology Department will have to step in eventually to fix, improve or teach someone how to use software or hardware while preventing hackers, phishers, malware and viruses from attacking your business, so it is important to hire a solid Information Technology department that can provide your business with fast, friendly twenty-four-hour, seven day a week, year-round reliable, secure computer network monitoring that allows you to forget your technology troubles so you can focus on your business.

Information Technology Innovations Can Improve Profit and Safety.

In conclusion, the fourth reason why neglecting your IT Department is not an option is because Information Technology professionals have skills and high-quality ideas that can transform and streamline your company’s process and bottom line by improving interface design, fostering application development and innovating analytics, which in the end makes customer’s, investor’s and employees happy. 


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