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Top employees awarded

The third annual Top Employer Awards black-tie gala was held at the Marriott Beach Resort on Saturday night, in which KPMG and BDO earned top honours in their size classification.

A total of 12 organisations met the standards to be recognised as a “Top Employer” achieving a minimum of at least 70 points out of a possible 100.  Recipients in the Large Employer category were KPMG, Scotiabank & Trust, DMS, Aon, CUC, Marriott Beach Resort, HSBC, and RBC Wealth Management.

In the small  to medium sized employer category, a classification for companies with fewer than 50 employees BDO took top honours while CML Offshore  recruitment; Steppingstones recruitment, and Caribbean Publishing were all recognised as Top Employers.

Thirty per cent of the overall score for employers came from the employer-submitted application and the other 70 per cent came from surveys given to all company employees. The criteria for being recognised as a Top Employer includes: physical environment, work atmosphere and camaraderie, community involvement, satisfaction level of pay and benefits, management practice, employee communications, learning and development, and diversity.  To remain independent and unbiased the applications are reviewed and scored by judges in the US and Canada.

KPMG Managing Partner Roy McTaggart notes, “The award serves to validate our approach to our people agenda and our high performance culture, helping to ensure they are motivated and happy in their professional careers and workplace environment. We are delighted to be recognised as the best place to work in the Cayman Islands and we congratulate all our fellow recipients of the award.

Human Resources Society Immediate Past President Phil Jackson, who initiated the Top Employer Award during his presidency, commented “This award is really about recognising and celebrating some of the things which make these organisations some of the most admired and Best Places to Work in the Cayman

Islands.  The Top Employers truly demonstrate a commitment not only to their staff, but have a positive impact in the community”.

The gala also featured an address by Judge Dan Ondrack, who spoke about the many positive effects of having a diverse workforce.


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