Trinidad woman stabbed at least 50 times
By Trinidad Express From St Lucia News Online
TRINIDAD EXPRESS – Twenty-one-year-old murder victim Christine Joseph was stabbed at least 50 times in “a homicide committed with brutality”.
Joseph had tried to run away from her attacker and when she collapsed her killer inflicted a fatal slash wound to her throat.
This was the finding of forensic pathologist Dr Valery Alexandrov, who performed an autopsy on her body yesterday at the Forensic Science Centre in St James.
Alexandrov said Joseph’s body bore multiple stab wounds, mainly on her upper body.
Her throat was slit from ear to ear, with the wound extending to the back of her neck, Alexandrov said, adding, “We classify this type of homicide as ‘committed with brutality’”.
Joseph was discovered dead in the home of her estranged boyfriend, Keyon Roberts, 31, on Monday.
Roberts’s body was found burnt outside the house near a teak field.
IMAGE:TRAGIC END: Christine Joseph
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