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Turtle Farm in Cayman Islands worries International community

tortuguitas-dedoGeorge Town, Jan 15 (Prensa Latina) A turtles breeding farm in Cayman Islands generated concern in the international community because the facility breaks the rules and pollutes the ocean, according to a report released today.

The audit also revealed serious financial problems: The installation is supported by government loans and other injections from public funds, the website reported.

In December, a technical team inspected the breeding center in order to determine whether it met the necessary standards.

According to the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA), the farm in West Bay, the second most populated city after the capital, has appalling conditions and violates various regulations.

In response, environmental groups and animal advocacy organizations put pressure on the authorities to end the indiscriminate sea turtles breeding and turn the place into a real conservation center.

Thousands of them live in overcrowded, with mutilation and diseases, SWAP exposes and questions the conservation proposal given the small number of animals released to their natural environment every year.

This farm is one of the main tourist attractions in Grand Cayman island, where it is permitted the capture and sale of sea turtles.

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