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U.K. slavery protection system fails thousands

From Ellie Finkelstein, Freedom United 

I am reaching out to you today with urgent and deeply concerningupdates on the growing crisis facing migrants in the U.K. who are vulnerable to human trafficking and modern slavery.   

The new U.K. government just announced it is aiming for record-high deportations of failed asylum seekers in the next six months, putting thousands of overlooked trafficking victims at heightened risk of re-exploitation.[1]
Act now
Here’s what else you need to know:  

Newly published U.K. government statistics expose that thousands of genuine victims of modern slavery are being overlooked and disregarded, increasing their risk of being re-trafficked.[2] 

*Between April and June 2024, 4,316 potential victims of modernslavery were referred to the Home Office for support by first responders such as the police and authorized charities.
*Shockingly, initial screening during the same period only recognized 53% as victims of modern slavery.
*Even more disturbing, over 60% of refusals were overturnedupon reconsideration, revealing serious flaws in the initial assessment process.  
*Among the potential victims, 66% were adults who were referred for labor exploitation, often in horrific conditions under threats of violence or deportation. 
*Heartbreakingly, 34% of referred victims were children, many of whom entered the U.K. unaccompanied and fell prey to criminal exploitation.[3] 

These are not just numbers — they are thousands of men, women, and children who are being denied justice and safety.   

As the government is pushing for excessive deportations and denying victims their protection, time is running out. Your support today means more than ever. 
Sign the petition
Sign our petition and demand safe migration legislation that prioritizes the protection of human rights and ensures that people on the move are not left vulnerable to exploitation. We cannot stand by while migrant victims of trafficking and modern slavery are failed by the very system meant to protect them. 

 In solidarity,
Ellie and the team that supports the Freedom United community
Ellie Finkelstein
Campaigner and News Editor, Freedom United





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