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UK and Cayman Islands Governments publish progress reports

reportA summary of progress by the United Kingdom (UK) and Cayman Islands towards shared goals is now available on the websites of both Governments.

Security, employment, education, the environment and international financial services are among areas prioritised by the UK and Overseas Territories (OTs) last year, which are covered in the 2014 report.

Urging the Cayman Islands public to read the 17-page document, the Premier, Hon. Alden McLaughlin, said it reflected the depth of Government’s commitment to consolidate ties with the UK.

“Our work so far has laid a great foundation on which we will continue to build. The UK will also contribute in a number of areas, including increased access to various commercial, educational, training and other opportunities. I hope Caymanians and residents will take the time to learn more about these programmes and the advantages that they offer,” Mr McLaughlin remarked.

The 2012 White Paper: The Overseas Territories: Security, Success and Sustainability laid out an approach to building mutually advantageous relationships between the United Kingdom and its 14 OTs.

Each year OT leaders meet UK Government representatives in London, to re-affirm their commitment to this shared vision, and to agree strategies for its delivery. Known as the Joint Ministerial Council, these discussions are set to take place 1-4 December this year.

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