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UK is still committed to Cayman Islands says OT Minister

Screen Shot 2016-07-06 at 2.47.22 PMFrom Office of the Premier of the Cayman Islands

UK remains committed to Cayman

 The United Kingdom remains committed to the Cayman Islands and other Overseas Territories as the process for Britain to exit the European Union evolves.

Premier Hon. Alden McLaughlin discussed the Brexit move with Overseas Territories Minister Mr. James Duddridge on 29 June, 2016.

In a letter dated 5 July, 2016, to Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Duddridge acknowledged the conversation and assured the Cayman Islands that the outcome of the referendum does not change the Constitutional relationship between the UK and the Territories.

“We will continue to closely follow the political and economic discussions and developments as the United Kingdom divorces itself from the European Union,” said Mr. McLaughlin. “We now have the verbal and written assurance Minister Duddridge that he will continue to actively represent the interests of the Overseas Territories across the UK Government and ensure they are fully considered.”

In his letter Mr. Duddridge wrote, “We will fully involve the Overseas Territories, the Devolved Administrations and the Crown Dependencies in accordance with their various constitutional relationships with the UK to ensure that all of their interests are taken properly into account”.

Mr. Duddridge also wrote that the process to exit the European Union presents several challenges, but those will take place against the background of a strong UK economy with the affirmed backing of the Bank of England.

Mr. McLaughlin said that the Cayman Islands and the United Kingdom will continue to maintain the excellent relationship that has been forged between the two countries since the Progressives-led Government took office in 2013. It is because of that connection that he and Mr. Duddridge are able to have frank, honest discussions about Brexit.

“We will continue to have discussions with the United Kingdom as the leave progresses,” said Mr. McLaughlin.

He will also discuss the issue with other Overseas Territories leaders during the week of 19 July, 2016, at the pre Joint Ministerial Council Meeting in Turks and Caicos.


The following is the transcript of the letter received by the premier from Overseas Territories Minister Mr. James Duddridge.
5 July 2016

Premier Alden M Mclaughlin, MBE, JP, MLA Office of the Premier
Cayman Islands

Dear Premier,


King Charles Street
London SW1A 2AH

I was glad to have the opportunity to speak with you on 29 June to· discuss the outcome of the European Union referendum held in the UK on 23 June. I agreed to write to confirm the main points we discussed.

The Prime Minister is clear that the will of the British people is an instruction that must be delivered. The Government must now prepare for the process of negotiations to exit the European Union. We will fully involve the Overseas Territories, the Devolved Administrations and the Crown Dependencies, in accordance with their various constitutional relationships with the UK, to ensure that all of their interests are taken properly into account.

The process to exit the European Union presents a number of challenges. However, these all take place against the background of a fundamentally strong UK economy. The Bank of England will not hesitate to take additional measures should they be required.

Finally, I should like to reiterate that the outcome of the referendum does not change the Constitutional relationship between the UK and the Territories, nor does it in any way reduce the UK’s commitment to the Overseas Territories. On the contrary, the exit process provides an important opportunity to not only reframe our relationship with the European Union but to also recalibrate the valuable relationships we enjoy with our traditional partners, including Territory governments and countries in the Commonwealth.

As Minister for the Overseas Territories, I will continue actively to represent OT interests across government and ensure they are fully considered across Whitehall. I am keen to maintain an active dialogue with you and other Territory leaders in this process. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you wish to discuss any of
these issues further.

James Duddridge MP
Minister for Africa, the Overseas Territories, and Caribbean


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