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Unemployed Caymanians urged to register for jobs

unemployment1Work is under way to identify unemployed Caymanians to match their skills with holders of Term Limit Exemption Permits, which expire near the end of October.

Employers will be required to advertise the jobs before applying for a work permit for the TLEP employee and the National Workforce Development Agency will be provided a list of all TLEP jobs that have to be advertised. That list will be used to assist Caymanians who qualify to apply for those jobs.

“I feel passionate about the fact that our Caymanian people must be able to access the real job opportunities in this economy,” said Employment Minister Hon. Tara Rivers.

All TLEPS expire on 28 October and under proposed Immigration Reform, no new TLEPs will be issued after that date. It is anticipated employers will be given until 9 December, 2013, to make application for the grant of a work permit in respect to a worker who currently holds one of the more than 1,500 TLEP jobs. Government is proposing to grant the 45-day window for two reasons: to ensure employers have adequate time to advertise the position and so that every effort can be made to identify a Caymanian who is capable and available to fill the position.

“We recognise that in order to adequately meet the needs of the community the NWDA requires additional staff,” said Chief Officer for Employment Mrs. Mary Rodrigues. “The necessary approvals have been received by Cabinet and we are expecting to receive approval to begin recruiting shortly”.

This process will ensure that the NWDA is positioned with the minimum staff complement needed to carry out the duties for which it was originally set up.

All employment applications made to any employer, including those who have workers on TLEPs, should be copied to the NWDA so that agency can track applicants and inform Immigration when there is an available Caymanian.

Caymanians who are looking for a job should immediately register with NWDA so they are in the database of available Caymanian employees.

All elected members of Government are happy to provide assistance to their constituents in their efforts to find employment.

While Government is working to match unemployed Caymanians with jobs held by those on work permits, a task force has been formed to review the NWDA and identify areas of priority that need to be addressed so that staff can deliver the services and support necessary to aid in the training, development and employment of Caymanians in the short and long-term.

“The NWDA was established in 2012 to help prepare Caymanians to take part in current and future economic opportunities,” said Councillor and Bodden Town MLA Alva Suckoo.  “Government sees a need to step in and help the agency refocus its original remit so that Caymanians can get jobs and employers can confidently hire local employees.  We must assist Caymanians to become better prepared to make a meaningful contribution to our society and this initiative goes a long way towards offering them the assistance they need in order to become better employees, while removing the obstacles and pitfalls they often find in their way.”

An Internal Review Committee will analyse the priority areas and current NWDA operations and submit a report for each area advising how the agency is delivering its services.

The Task Force will take all information and suggest ways to enhance the NWDA’s abilities to carry out its duties.

Mr. Suckoo will chair the Task Force, which will be co-chaired by Dr. Tasha Ebanks, Deputy Chief Officer in the Ministry of Education, Employment and Gender Affairs. Also on the task force will be a cross section of Human Resources professionals, members of the Financial Services Industry, tourism professionals, small business representatives and others.  Appointment to the Task Force is by invitation only and members receive no remuneration.

The Task Force will begin meeting next week and is expected to submit its final report in January, 2014.



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