Unlock the Secrets to Law Firm Success: Exclusive Insights & Trends

Join ALM’s upcoming webcast and be among the first to take a deep dive into the exclusive insights and trends revealed in our Am Law 100 data. How did the year ultimately shake out, and what does it all mean for 2024? Hear from the editorial and intelligence teams behind the report on the day it’s released. You don’t want to miss this opportunity, so sign up today!
The obstacles of recent years have translated to unprecedented success for many, but 2023 presented its own challenges–some new, others persistent. In this webcast, we will explore how different segments of the market performed and which firms are best positioned to weather the ongoing changes.
Attendees will have the opportunity to ask our editors and analysts questions about these insights and learn steps to take to be more successful. Save your spot for this webcast and learn:
- What were demand levels like in 2023, and has that changed heading deeper into 2024?
- How are changes to billing rates, partnership and compensation models, and other market factors shaking out?
- How have firms approached recruiting, lateral hiring and expansion?
- Exclusive data coupled with research and editorial analysis that can’t be obtained anywhere else.
For Law Firm Marketing Professionals: Find out where your firm and competitors rank, which types of firms and strategies are succeeding and what the data indicates for the coming years.
For Legal HR Professionals: Understand compensation trends to inform hiring practices. Learn how and where firms are expanding or contracting by attorney type.