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Urgent: Starbucks can’t get away with this

We need your help urgently. 
In our fight to hold companies accountable for their human rights abuses, one is proving to be particularly stubborn: Starbucks.

The most recent Chocolate Scorecard saw a drop in​ Starbucks’​ child labor and living income scores.[1] The company was also​ sued for false claims of ethical sourcing[2] – claims ​which​ betray innocent workers, vulnerable children, and consumers​ like us who just want to grab a coffee that isn’t tainted by forced labor​.

With your help, we can launch an urgent campaign to expose Starbucks’ failure to prevent human rights abuses and show we expect to see change.

Act now

With your financial support we can make this a priority in our advocacy work and pay for technical help to set up the campaign, as well as cover the (wo)man power to keep it going.

The campaign will facilitate powerful coalition actions calling on Starbucks to take steps against any form of modern slavery in the supply chains of all its products.

Previous campaigns have convinced other corporate giants to be more transparent and improve their practices, so we know we can do this, too!

Donate today

Your donation will directly support our efforts to expose and combat these injustices. This helps us stay independent and impactful, with 100% of your donation going directly to our campaigns.[3] 

Help us set up a campaign

Please donate today to join us in making a difference and protect the rights of workers and children around the world. We need your support now more than ever. 

In solidarity,

Kiki and the team that supports the Freedom United community

Kiki Lindenau
Advocacy Officer, Freedom United


[2][3] We have a donor who covers our modest administrative costs enabling us to guarantee your donation will be spent entirely on campaigning.


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