US: Newsmax was CENSORED! Fight AT&T DirecTV, Don’t Let Them Do This/Sens. Cruz, Graham, Lee, Cotton Raise Political Censorship Concerns
Christopher Ruddy CEO NEWSMAX
Newsmax has been CENSORED!
On Jan. 24 AT&T’s DirecTV removed NEWSMAX from its
systems – including DirecTV and U-verse.
This was a blatant act of political censorship.
Last year AT&T DirecTV removed One America News – OAN –
a popular conservative channel.
And now NEWSMAX – the second conservative channel in a year!
All of this started when Nancy Pelosi’s House Democrats
wrote to AT&T demanding they remove OAN, NEWSMAX
and Fox News.
AT&T complied by “deplatforming” two of those networks.
It’s frightening this could take place in America!
Now many leaders are speaking out.
Pres. Trump calls AT&T DirecTV’s decision a “disgrace” and “disgusting.”
Ron DeSantis says NEWSMAX was targeted by the left.
Sen. Ted Cruz was outraged and wrote to AT&T demanding
to know why they keep many low-rated channels but
removed NEWSMAX.
In fact, DirecTV still carries 22 liberal news channels!
And almost all have lower ratings than NEWSMAX.
NEWSMAX is the 4th highest-rated cable news channel in
America – with 25 million regular viewers – Nielsen reports.
Dennis Prager of PragerU says this woke censorship attack
on NEWSMAX is part of the greatest crisis in American history.
The woke left wants to SILENCE conservatives
and anyone else who disagrees with them.
DirecTV says they removed NEWSMAX and OAN to “cut costs.”
But that makes no sense.
They continue to carry many left-wing channels that cost them – and their customers – a lot more!
Meanwhile they removed NEWSMAX – which was very highly
rated and which would cost DirecTV only about $1 a subscriber for the full year.
Folks, this is about political censorship.
The left wants to close down conservative voices.
You need to stand up for freedom and free speech.
Many leaders are speaking out against this censorship including Jon Voight, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin, Rand Paul, Markwayne Mullin, Dennis Prager and many more!
Pres. Trump says he’s canceling DirecTV and he’s also canceling his AT&T cellular and wireless services.NEWSMAX needs your help.
You Can Help Us:
1) Call DirecTV and AT&T and cancel their services – call 877-763-9762
2) Call your Congressmen and Senators – let them know you oppose woke censorship and you support NEWSMAX – call 202-224-3121 and we’ll connect you.
3) Sign our Petition to oppose woke censorship – go now to
Lastly, spread the word. Share this BLOG with friends and family.
And speak out wherever and whenever you can . . . .
America is too important to lose.
Our freedoms came at too high a price to give them up.
Act today.
Thank you for your support!
Christopher Ruddy

Sens. Cruz, Graham, Lee, Cotton Raise Political Censorship Concerns with DirecTV’s Decision to Drop Conservative News Network Newsmax
February 1, 2023
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), incomingRanking Member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), incoming Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Mike Lee (R-Utah), and Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) today sent a letter to the CEOs of DirectTV and its controlling shareholders, AT&T and TPG, voicing deep concerns about DirecTV’s recent decision to drop conservative news network Newsmax. The letter demands answers and information about the decision.
In the letter to DirecTV CEO William Morrow, AT&T CEO John Stankey, and TPG CEO Jon Winkelried, the Senators wrote:
“It appears that this decision may be the latest example of big business suppressing politically disfavored speech at the behest of liberal Democrats. As members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and as the incoming Ranking Members of the Senate Commerce and Judiciary Committees, which have jurisdiction over the communications industry and civil liberties, respectively, we are writing to request detailed and specific information about DirecTV’s actions. Congress and the public have a right to know the extent to which DirecTV’s decision to drop Newsmax was politically motivated, including whether the company succumbed to pressure from administration officials or Democrats in Congress.
“DirecTV’s decision follows recent revelations of collusion between Big Tech companies and Democrat officials to label conservative speech as “misinformation” and censor it. The silencing of conservative speech at the request of government officials is a direct assault on free speech and a threat to democracy[…]
“It has been alleged that DirecTV pays substantial sums to numerous channels that are politically left-of-center, even when those channels have substantially lower ratings than Newsmax. And, it has been alleged that DirecTV refused to pay any net sums whatsoever to Newsmax—and expressly stated that it never would pay any net sums to Newsmax—even though explicitly liberal stations with substantially fewer viewers were receiving millions of dollars from DirecTV.”
As the Senators note, DirecTV has now dropped two of America’s largest conservative news networks, Newsmax and One America News Network (OANN), during the past two years.
“In January 2022, DirecTV dropped One America News Network (OANN), less than a year after Democrat leaders in Congress sent a letter pushing the CEO of AT&T, DirecTV’s largest shareholder, to stop carrying OANN, Newsmax, and Fox News. These three networks were the three largest conservative news networks in America, and now—in less than a year—DirecTV has de-platformed two of them.”
The Senators asked the companies to answer a number of questions, including: whether DirecTV, AT&T, or TPG communicated with any federal, state, or local government officials regarding the decisions to drop Newsmax or OANN, and whether those government officials made any threats or promised any inducements to pressure DirecTV, AT&T, or TPG to drop Newsmax or OANN.
The Senators also requested that the companies preserve and turn over a number of records related to DirecTV’s decisions to drop Newsmax and OANN, including any communications they have had with the White House, Democrat members of Congress, or Democrat campaign committees relating to Newsmax or OANN.
To read the full text of this letter click here.