US: Sen. Grassley: FBI Whistleblowers allege ‘Political Bias’
By Charlie McCarthy From Newsmax Thursday, 18 August 2022

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, says whistleblower allegations reveal an alleged political bias at the FBI that has influenced high-level investigations, especially in the bureau’s Washington, D.C., office.
Grassley, ranking member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, has written several letters to FBI Director Christopher Wray to request an accounting for the “deeply rooted political infection” within the bureau.
“Starting on May 31, 2022, I’ve written three letters to you regarding political bias that has infected the FBI’s Washington Field Office,” Grassley wrote in a letter dated Wednesday.
“Two of those letters provided specific and credible allegations based on numerous whistleblowers that have approached my office with information that one can only conclude is indicative of a deeply rooted political infection that has spread to investigative activity into former President [Donald] Trump and Hunter Biden.”
Grassley, citing information from “numerous” whistleblowers, said the FBI approved probes into the Trump campaign based on questionable information, and “shut down investigative activity and sources, which included verified and, information, relating to Hunter Biden.”
Grassley told Newsmax last month that the FBI acted in a partisan, biased manner when it “closed” an investigation into Biden’s illicit foreign dealings.
In a July 18 letter to Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland, Grassley said FBI whistleblowers allege a pattern of political bias from high-ranking officials, including Assistant Special Agent in Charge Timothy Thibault.
Grassley said whistleblowers told him that DOJ and FBI employees must follow strict substantial factual predication guidelines in opening an investigation, and that Thibault did not follow these guidelines, specifically regarding the probe of the Trump campaign and 2020 electors. Grassley said that investigation was spurred by news articles that relied on information from American Oversight, a “liberal” government watchdog.
In his latest letter, Grassley asks Wray to provide “a comprehensive organization chart” for the Washington Field Office.
“The purpose of this request is to better understand how the Washington Field Office is staffed, who is responsible for the units and squads within the office and to prepare for future congressional interviews,” Grassley wrote. “As you are aware, Assistant Special Agent in Charge Tim Thibault is not the only politically biased FBI agent at the Washington Field Office.
“The FBI answers to Congress and the American people, so please provide the comprehensive organization chart no later than August 31, 2022.”
Related Stories:
- Grassley Warns FBI’s Wray About Agency Credibility
- Wray: Allegations FBI Mishandled Hunter Biden Info ‘Deeply Troubling’
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