
iLocal News Archives

Vehicular accident, 2 new DUI’s & 15 traffic offences

At approximately 7.15am this morning, December 15th 2012, officers of the RCIPS attended to a one vehicle accident on Shamrock Road vicinity of Lantern Point Condos in George Town.

Accident occurred when female driver coming from the eastern direction heading towards George Town, and upon reaching the round-about by Lantern Point Condos lost control of the vehicle which flipped on the side. Ambulance attended and transported the female who was the only person in the vehicle at the time, to the Cayman Islands Hospital. It is said her injuries are non life threatening. Investigation into the cause of the accident is ongoing.

Anyone who may have witnessed this accident or have information relative to it, is being asked to call George Town Police Station at 9494222.


In other police related news. 2 persons have been arrested overnight for driving under the influence of alcohol. 15 other persons were prosecuted for various traffic offences.

An RCIPS spokes person said, persons who decided to ignore the many warnings being issued by the RCIPS relative to traffic violations, must prepare themselves for the consequences of being prosecuted and taken before the court.


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