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Volkswagen won’t hit the brakes on forced labor

June 2nd, 2024

News Digest
Forced labor
Freedom United and partners hold Volkswagen’s feet to the fire
Volkswagen held its annual general meeting and advocates, including the Freedom United community, had one required item for their agenda: providing a clear strategy to eliminate Uyghur forced labor from its operations and supply chains. Despite a flawed audit and recent revelations of forced labor involvement, the company continues its operations in the Uyghur Region. Read more…
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Detained survivors
How migrants become scapegoats for hostile border tragedies
Nine surviving migrants were acquitted after being wrongfully blamed for a deadly shipwreck – yet they remain illegally detained. Authorities would rather scapegoat migrants thereby increasing their vulnerability to further tragedies and exploitation, than address the root cause of barriers to safe migration. Read more…
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Child slavery
L’Oréal and Estée Lauder perfumes stink of exploitative child labor
Despite promises of ethical sourcing, Egypt’s jasmine industry relies heavily on exploitative child labor due to extreme cost-cutting pressures from major perfume brands. Undercover footage and flawed auditing systems expose how these brands whitewash exploitation, allowing them to profit while the burden falls on impoverished families and their children.
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Ellie Finkelstein
Freedom United

©2024 Freedom United is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that powers Human Trafficking Search.
5400 Glenwood Avenue, Suite G-01, Raleigh, NC 27612 USA


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