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Watch our latest webinar on the Olympics and trafficking

From Ellie Finkelstein, Freedom United

Our fear is that more people will be exposed to exploitation as a result of the 2024 Paris Olympics, we question the way law enforcement has been given the order to ‘tidy up’.” — Roxane Ouadghiri Hassani, Deputy Director of Comité Contre l’Esclavage Moderne
Did you catch our online event on Trafficking and the Olympics: the true cost of the games?
Watch now

People are scared of the police, and traffickers tell them to be scared. We have seen since the beginning of the games, social cleansing and more policing instead of efforts for protection.” — PG Macioti, Médecins du Monde

With increased repression and lack of protection during the 2024 Paris Olympics, marginalized groups are left isolated and unsupported, becoming vulnerable to exploitation. We must advocate for the spirit of unity, fairness, and protection to extend beyond the stadiums to every corner of every city where mega sporting events take place.  

You can also take a deeper dive into further resources mentioned during the event: 

*What’s the Cost of a Rumour? A guide to sorting out the myths and facts about sporting events and trafficking

 *Paris Olympic Games: No, major sporting events do not increase prostitution! 
*Hundreds evicted from France’s biggest squat months before Paris Olympics
If you enjoyed the webinar and found the information helpful, please consider making a small donation to support the next event. 

If you have any suggestions for future topicssend us an email!

“Homeless individuals are also especially vulnerable to exploitation… The 2024 Paris Olympics could have been a big opportunity to leverage a solution to trafficking concerns. New housing facilities could have been built that could become emergency shelters instead of forcing people out of existing housing.” — Roxane Ouadghiri Hassani, Deputy Director of Comité Contre l’Esclavage Moderne

Thank you so much for your support!

In solidarity,

Ellie and the team that supports the Freedom United community

Ellie Finkelstein
Campaigner and News Editor, Freedom United


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