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West Bay Commander to host community meeting and Scranton meet their PC

4255_logoChief Inspector Harlan Powery, the man in charge of policing in West Bay, is calling on residents and business owners to attend a community meeting next Tuesday (24 September). The meeting will be held at Sir John A. Cumber Primary School and will begin at 7.30pm.

“It’s important to me as the District Commander to meet with members of the West Bay community and hear their views on local policing,“ he said.” I would encourage anyone who wants to have their say to come along on Tuesday night and take part in what I hope will be a very productive and informative session.“


Scranton residents met their new Neighbourhood Officer

Community-support-officer-e1302430970985Police Constable Cornelius Pompey took centre stage at the latest RCIPS community meeting held in Scranton on Tuesday night (17 September). PC Pompey is the new beat officer for the area and was introduced by District Commander Chief Inspector Angelique Howell.

About 20 people attended the meeting, including George Town MLA Joey Hew, Community Development Officer Dorline Welcome and Martin Drive community activist Dale Ramoon. Residents were keen to engage in discussion with members of the RCIPS about policing plans and areas of concern such as speeding, drugs activity and loud music.

Chief Inspector Howell was able to reassure those present that patrol officers will continue to have a visible presence in the area and that PC Pompey, who served in two police forces before joining the RCIPS ten years ago, will work with community leaders to develop programs that will benefit the area.

Addressing the meeting, PC Pompey pledged that he would do his best to address any concerns they had about crime and community safety, and that he would work diligently with them to come up with solutions to their issues. He asked for the support of the residents and stressed that it was important for them and the police to work together.

Chief Inspector Howell was impressed with the passion displayed by the residents. “They have a great deal of pride in their Martin Drive community and expressed a desire to work with the police and other agencies to improve the area, ” she said. “It would have been great to see some of the younger residents at the meeting as they have a pivotal role to play in developing and enhancing the community. One of PC Pompey’s aims is to engage with the young residents and involve them in the community enhancement programmes.”

The next George Town community meeting will be held at the All Nations Pentecostal Church in Washington Blvd on Wednesday 25 September at 7.00pm.




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