What does ‘modern slavery’ really mean?
From Miriam Karmali, Freedom United

What does ‘modern slavery’ mean to you? When we asked the diverse Freedom United global community to share perspectives on the complexity of language when it comes to describing severe exploitation, the results were fascinating.
From Yoruba to Serbian, perceptions of language describing human trafficking, forced labor, and modern slavery differ greatly. So what are the roots of terminology like ‘modern slavery’ and ‘human trafficking’ in the English language? What shaped these definitions – and what are some of their limitations?
With permission from the International Labour Organization, we share excerpts of their Work in Freedom Handbook: A critical glossary of terms relating to freedom and unfreedom in the world of work[1] to explore these questions. |
Explore the glossary! |
While this glossary is a great resource to take a deep dive into the meanings of commonly used terms, it’s important to acknowledge that they are based on the English language and thus reflect sociocultural values and political dynamics in which English is dominant, such as international law.
Terminology like ‘modern slavery’ is also contested with debates on whether it is a useful way to describe the complexities of exploitation.[2]You can learn more about why we decide to use the term by checking out this interview with our Executive Director.
The way that people who have experienced human trafficking and modern slavery choose to identify also varies greatly. Terms like ‘survivor’ and ‘victim’ aren’t always appropriate or accurate ways to describe people’s relationship to their experiences. While some people may embrace terms like ‘survivor’, others may feel that this doesn’t capture their reality.
Learn more by taking a deep dive into the critical glossary!
In solidarity,
Miriam and the team supporting the Freedom United community

[1] https://www.ilo.org/newdelhi/whatwedo/publications/WCMS_800250/lang–en/index.htm