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What does your favourite colour say about you?

While there is still a lot of research to be done on the subject, It’s believed by many that your favourite colour can reveal information about the type of person you are. The idea is explored in colour psychology. The study of hues suggests that our reactions to different colours can reveal information about our personality traits and the choices we make. So, what colour are you most drawn to? And what might this say about you?


Love a bit of eye-catching pink? If so, you are easy-going with a witty sense of humour. You like to see the best in people, thinking that the good outweighs the bad. You’re also super supportive, happy for others and proud of them for their successes. Although you’re passionate, you enjoy calm and peace in your day-to-day routine.


As you can probably imagine, red is a bold, loud colour, meaning that you are outgoing, impulsive and extraverted. You’re more than likely very athletic and driven – and because of that, you like to win. You’re assertive, determined, and not afraid to take risks. Always present, you are aware of what is going on around you.


The colour of the ocean is often associated with feelings of serenity, so if you are drawn to shades of blue more than others, this suggests that you are cool, calm and like to seek inner peace. You enjoy harmony, so you are very sensitive and always think about others. Stability is also very important to you.


If you’re a lover of green, this reveals that you are not only loyal to those around you, but you can also be frank with them. You believe in consistency and creating a balance in your life. Having a connection with nature, you like spending time outdoors in the fresh air.


Like a ray of sunshine, yellow suggests that you are optimistic – and on a mission to help the world! You love to express your personality and have a vivid imagination, and never believe that the glass is half empty.


If you’d pick orange as your ultimate colour, you must be the party starter of the group! You like to live in the moment, focusing on all the good things that are to come.


Is your favourite colour brown? If so, it could be suggested that you are reliable, honest and dependable. You like to do things slowly and you are savvy with money, considering all your financial options before making big decisions.

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