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What visitors say about us

We found this nice post by a visitor to our islands on the (of all things) the website.

From buzz

Back from Grand Cayman

The wifey and I just got back from a nice 10-day vaca on Grand Cayman! Logged 26 dives totaling over 26 hours underwater. Fantastic diving, tons of wildlife and very cool terrain. Saw Caribbean reef sharks, nurse sharks, eagle rays, turtles, eels, sting rays, lobsters, crabs, barracuda, squid, and tons of pretty fishies. The dive op we went with was Ocean Frontiers ( and they were absolutely outstanding. We will definitely go back and dive with them again, hopefully in the near future. Saw some very nice low-price Kogeebas for sale in the cruise ship tourist area of town, limited edition in glass top boxes. Yeah… I stocked up.


One of my favorite dives was at Black Rock Drop-off, where we went through a canyon-way, exiting on the wall down at 110ft and were greeted by two, easily 8ft Caribbean reef sharks, who circled around near us, checking us out. It was awesome! Unfortunately I only took the camera on a handful of dives and that wasn’t one of them. I haven’t sorted through all the pics yet and haven’t cleaned any of them up with photoshop (so pardon the quality/color), but here are a couple…

[Look at one of the rooster.) A rooster, ticked off that the liquor store was closed on Saturday. He wanted to get his drink on. I named him Robbie.

I’ve got some decent videos that I’ll post up later once I remember how to upload them to my youtube account. Glad to be back where they drive on the right side of the road… sheesh that was weird.

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