What you need to know about WoW TBC Tailoring

Those wanting to learn about the tailoring skill will need a few tips first.
As we continue to prepare for the transition to The Burning Crusade, we find ourselves delving further into the skills that can help us. Whilst we do have a focus on earning as much WoW TBC gold as we can, we should also take a look at what we can do to help us in the game going forward. So let’s take a look at the tailoring skill and what it can do for us.
What is WoW TBC Tailoring?
In WoW TBC Classic, tailoring is a primary skill that you use to make cloth armour. This is mainly for Priests, Mages and Warlocks. You can craft bags too, for both general and profession uses. There’s also the leg enchants known as spellthread that can be used through tailoring.
There is a slight difference when it comes to tailoring in WoW TBC compared to Classic. The difference is that it only uses the Netherweave Cloth as its base cloth, which can then be used to make a variety of cloths. These include the likes of the Bolt of Soulcloth, Bolt of Imbued Netherweave, as well as Primal Mooncloth, Spellcloth and Shadowcloth which are specialty cloths. If you want to make these specialty clothes, then you can get specializations for them. You will also be able to learn recipes that can make special cloth armour sets and more.
For those who are looking to learn the new WoW TBC tailoring skill to aid their WoW TBC Classic account even more, then you can do so from the Master Tailoring trainers that are found in the Hellfire Peninsula. All Horde players are able to learn the skill in Thrallmar via Dalinna. If you are an Alliacne player, then you can head to Honor Hold and speak with Hama to learn the skill.
What Profession/Race Should I Use?
Naturally, you are going to want to find the best choice of profession to be paired with this skill. In this case, it’s Enchanting. You don’t really need to focus on gathering professions since you won’t require items that you would gain from said professions. Instead, you will be looking to farm cloth that you get from mobs, so Enchanting can be particularly helpful. You can also disenchant a lot of tailored items to be used as Enchanting WoW TBC Classic items as well.
Enchanting isn’t the only choice you have, however. You could try creating the Zapthrottle Mote Extractor which can help to quicken the farming process of certain Motes, which can then be used to make Primals. To do this, we would need to focus on the Engineering profession. Otherwise, if making WoW TBC gold is your priority, then try going with Mining or Herbalism.
As far as your race and class are concerned, you don’t really need to worry. There isn’t a race in the game that is going to have any clear advantage, so don’t fret over whoever you choose.
What’s Different with WoW TBC Tailoring?
When comparing WoW TBC to retail as far as tailoring goes, there are a few differences. The Burning Crusade saw the introduction of specialisations, which would then be removed in retail. You will also find that you will have long cooldowns on certain cloth recipes as well. You’ll need to be in certain locations for doing combines as well. This cooldown period was removed for Wrath of the Lich King. As far as Classic Mooncloth goes, its cooldown was taken out during World of Warcraft TBC. There aren’t any clothes that are required for either a long cooldown or the need to be in a special location.
First aid remains its own secondary skill that is able to be learned in The Burning Crusade too. The retail version however made bandaging a key component of tailoring itself. However, in this version of the game, you couldn’t create permanent enchants, which you can do in The Burning Crusade using Spellthread. World of Warcraft TBC also boasts many new profession bags as well that are made through tailoring, such as bags of jewels and big bags of enchantment. Retail meanwhile didn’t have any recipes for profession bags that were new.
So now you can see the benefits that come from tailoring when you are playing WoW TBC Classic. It is a great way for you to earn WoW TBC gold too when you are using certain professions to go along with the skill. It can be very effective in a number of ways, and knowing the changes from the retail version is going to be beneficial.
What are your thoughts on WoW TBC tailoring? Let us know in the comments section below!