Who is Winning the Culture War?
You may have noticed that there has been a major shift in the perception of politics over the past couple of years. I think 2016 was the year that everything exploded. It was the year that I noticed that change in myself, as I switched from being completely apathetic to politics to following it like Indian Soap Operas and online poker. These days, everything seems to be political one way or the other. You can’t even talk about M&Ms nowadays without someone bringing up how the brown M&M changed it’s shoes, and how this reflects on the socioeconomic status of the United States of America.
What’s really happening is that the culture war has come to the forefront of everything. It’s a battle that has been happening since World War 2 (and no, it has nothing to do with the Nazis). It’s left versus right. Capitalism versus Marxism. Judeo-Christian values versus Intersectionality. Globalism versus Nationalism.
This feud has existed for a long time, but it used to be far more subtle. Yuri Bezmenov revealed to the world that there was a Soviet plan to install communists in the Universities, and damn, it looks like they succeeded. It seems like every major institution, every media organization, every major business is in the hands of the radical left or a globalist.
I don’t exaggerate. Facebook, Google, YouTube, Twitter, Pfizer, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, Gillette, Apple, Amazon, the ACLU, the Salvation Army, Harvard, UC Berkley, Coka Cola, and even Ben and Jerrys, all have insanely leftwing slants to them. Where they aren’t outright partisans, insiders leak mandatory “racial sensitivity training” or “Critical Race Theory” courses that teach that things like “having table manners” is a “white” thing, and that “white things” are evil. Insane teachers go on Tik Tok bragging about how they teach radical marxism to their students, and when they “lose” the American flag, they have their students say the pledge of allegiance to the Pride Flag.
So, on the face of it, it would seem like the radical left is winning. They have every major institution, the elitists that make up our politicians are mired with globalists and cowards who care more about their PR than standing up for what is right, and they have the schools.
For the rest of us, it sometimes feels like we’re taking crazy pills. It feels like two plus two does not equal four, and that there are five lights. If you believe in chivalry, respect, decency, and freedom, that you live in a world where the patients have taken over the asylum.
However, do not despair, for I have good news!
Parents are Pushing Back
2016 may have caused all this madness to explode, which has really turned our world upside down in many respects. However, the consequence is now all these actors that used to hide in the shadows are out in the open about their actions. Being locked down made parents realize exactly what was being taught to their students, and we can see that the pendulum is swinging back the other way.
The last Virginian election, I think, is the key. The election was decided on schools. The previous Governor, Ralph Northam, (who insinuated that parents should be able to commit infanticide after their baby was born), was out. Running for the Democrats was Terry McAuliffe, and Glenn Youngkin for the Republicans.
Glenn Youngkin ran on the promise that parents would have a stronger hand in what their children are taught (it had recently been revealed that some School libraries had sexually explicit content, and were refusing to remove them). By contrast, during his campaign, Terry literally said, onstage, “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”
This is a fundamental tenant of left wing ideology. Destroy the family. Make everyone emotionally and financially dependent on the government. Children belong to the state.
Well, guess what? Parents did notlike that. Glenn Youngkinn demolished Terry. This is a major win, and I think it reveals that the people have had enough. The line too far was Children. Parents love their children, and they do not want their children being taught this garbage, and if we can take anything positive out of this pandemic, it’s that parents have finally taken notice of what their children were being taught.
This pushback is occuring all across the United States. Parents are turning up, en mass, to PTA meetings, and are making demands. Demands to fire insane teachers. Demands to remove the brainwashing from the curriculum. Demands to do their damn jobs, and provide an unbiased, general education.
The marxists have not been happy about this. You’ll find article after article online talking about this, and it’s hilarious to see how they have progressed as they’ve become more and more desperate. At first, they denied that Critical Race Theory was even being taught in schools. This was disproven by the numerous photos, testimonies, and printed syllibuses containing CRT books. Then, when that didn’t work, they tried arguing “racists” don’t want subjects like slavery being taught in schools. Now, since that hasn’t worked, they’re trying to claim that transparency is bad, in the name of Freedom of Speech. Unironically.
I don’t know about you, but it really looks like they’re crying their way through the five stages of grief now that their racist, marxist, nonsense is being rooted out and exterminated.
Silicon Valley Bubble Is Going to Pop
The big tech giants exist on a scale that’s nearly unfathomable. They have more concentrated power over billions of people than Hitler, Stalin, or Mao ever did in their entire regimes.
However, despite all of that, all that power is stacked on a flimsy frame. An insider from one of the silicon valley giants (who posted anonymously under the handle Hazard Harrington, and did not name which company he worked for) revealed what its like on the inside. He posted it in a long thread, which he later deleted about several portions were blocked for “hate speech” and the account was partially block in some geographic locations. However, the entire thing is located on archive.
He says, “Obviously insanely radically leftwing. BLM/LGBTQ. Trans flags hanging in office. Pronouns stated before meetings. Special affiliation groups for everyone but white men. All what you’d expect. But COVID/WFH has totally broken people. They are fundamentally weak, often with no social support outside of work. They’re the people with no children, no spouse. Only a dog or cat for emotional support.
“Often meetings start with going around the room to ask “How is everyone feeling?” Literally everyone else went on sad rants about their lives. “I’m so MAD a white supremacist shot 3 black men in Kenosha!” It’s toxic. When it got to me, I said “Good.” and then a (((lady engineer))) literally proposed that we should not be allowed to answer the question positively… I think it hurt her that I wasn’t as miserable as her…
“Everyone is demoralized. This may surprise you, since Big Tech is extremely well paid and has been able to WFH throughout the past 2 years… We now have employees who have nearly 2 years of tenure who have never met another employee in person, and lives alone in some city away from where the office was. This would be fine for a normal person, but again, we’re attracting the family-less urbanites scared of even meeting up with their friends at a restaurant…
“There are many software engineers who’ve not written a single line of code in the past year.”
This rings true with what we’ve seem come out of siliocon valley in the past five years. With the exception of Facebook, which is still controlled directly by Mark Zuckerberg, what are the major inovations that have come out of Silicon Valley? Any? YouTube removed the dislike button. Twitter implemented “disinformation” labels.
In short, nothing. These companies are stacked like Jenga towers, teetering on collapse. The only thing keeping them up right now is that there hasn’t yet been a competitor who could attrack the “normies”- the regular joe schmoe who wants to post about his kids or watch video game reviews. Competition exists, but only people who are heavily invested in this culture war even know that they exist.
But these companies are teetering, and as the Joker would put it, all it takes is one… bad… day…
The Comic Book Industry is Dying
This one might be coming out of left field, especially if you don’t read comics, but trust me, it’s important. Super hero movies have been all the rage for the past decade or so, and for good reason. The MCU is a marvelous phenomenon, and an immensely successful one too.
However, Marvel Comics itself is having a miserable time of it. This is a drama that I only follow tangentially, but here’s the gist: Every good writer at Marvel Comics has been replaced with radical left wing nut jobs.
These writers are the kind of land whales that write a new teen age “genius” black genius, and have her become a superhero by… stealing Iron Man’s suit. These writers create fat, gay heroes unironically called “Snowflake” and “Trailblazer”, and then get furious that people aren’t inspired or falling in love with them. These writers can’t come up with a good idea to save their life, so they take a beloved character, tick some checkboxes, and then call it a day. Such is the origin of “Gay Captain America”. Yup, that’s real.
The pushback is reflected in comicbooks sales, which is plummeting. It’s not that people aren’t interested in comic books anymore- far from it. Manga is BOOMING, and had one of it’s best years ever recently, globally. People read about superheroes to be inspired and to escape reality, not to be whacked over the head with insane, inarticulate, SJW ideology.
If it weren’t for the MCU, Marvel would be bankrupt.
Get woke, go broke holds true. It may be slow going, but more and more people are pushing back against this nonsense, and a stand is being made. People across the globe are fighting for what’s right. You may never hear about it on the news, but it’s happening. The elitists have no power over people who refuse to comply, and they are terrified.