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Work Experience Boosts Young Moms

FRC Programme Coordinator Miriam Foster (far left) with Ritz Carlton staff.

Young parents are working hard to carve a path for themselves– the Family Resource Centre (FRC) is providing them the tools! Support received through Young Parent Services (YPS) provides the opportunity to become better parents and prepare for the working world.

YPS clients have been developing nurturing parenting skills, strengthening employability skills, obtaining computer certifications, engaging in character development sessions and getting individual psychological and emotional support from programme facilitators and counsellors. FRC Programme Coordinator Miriam Foster said, “It has been wonderful to see our young mothers blossom and make positive steps at becoming more competent mothers.”

The programme works at addressing potential risk for child abuse and neglect, while boosting other facets of the parent’s life. HSA and other community partners provide additional educational components. Once certain criterion is achieved, clients become eligible for work experience.

Realizing the importance of acquiring both theoretical and practical skills, minister responsible for community affairs, Hon. Mike Adam, MBE, JP said, “These fundamentals are crucial for any society and will help motivate our young people to become productive citizens.”

Minister Adam also expressed his appreciation to all companies who have opened their doors to train these young women.

Under the programme, the Ritz Carlton Grand Cayman, which often lends support to the centre, has paired up with FRC to allow participants an opportunity to gain work experience throughout various departments.

Overwhelmed by the support, Ms Foster said, “Through monetary and food donations, the Ritz has always been there to assist in minimizing the costs of our events. Their continued support provides the proper resources needed in order for us to make a difference within families.  FRC is extremely grateful to have them on board.”

Ritz Carlton Grand Cayman is also an active sponsor of the Family Skills Programme (FSP) which provides families with tools to increase harmony in the home. “We are so grateful that the Ritz has provided the celebratory meal for over eight FSP cohorts,” said Ms Foster. “It makes the families feel truly special completing the programme and being treated to a delicious meal.”

She further added, “Private sector stepping in and providing clients with an opportunity to gain confidence and self-worth through work experience or providing families with a meal not often shared allows us to enhance the services FRC can provide.”

To become a sponsor of any of the programmes and services offered at FRC, companies are encouraged to contact Miriam Foster at 949-0006 or email [email protected].

 Photo by Information Officer Kristi Anderson


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