World Orphans Day making global impact
An Ebola orphan, 15 years old, Abraham Keita , International Children Peace Prize Winner, brings an appeal to the United Nations for a UN sanctioned World Orphans Day in Monrovia, Liberia, while Sevierville, TN, USA hosted the filming production for the television series, Hearts on Fire, to advocate on the plight of the 153,000,000 orphans worldwide. Liberia’s proclamation ceremony will be included within the international broadcast. Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General Waldemar Vrey signed a Proclamation in support of a UN Sanctioned World Orphans Day.
Amb. Abraham Keita 2016 International Children Peace Prize Winner, Madam Satta F. Sheriff Speaker of the Liberian Children Representative Forum were among dignitaries that graced the Occasion and signed the Proclamation.
Senator Geraldine Doe-Sheriff and Miss Brigitte Rouhana Honorary Chairman and Ambassador of Goodwill for Orphans in Liberia and West Africa committed to Advocating for better Living condition for Orphans across the region.
All 65 participants signed a Proclamation in Support of a UN Sanctioned World Orphans Day.
The World Orphans Day West Africa Forum and Proclamation event was held in Monrovia on November 14. The United Nations sent the Deputy Chief Special Representative of the Secretary General-Liberia Waldemar Vrey, who signed the proclamation for support of a UN Sanctioned World Orphans Day, along with the Honorary Chairwoman, Parliament member Geraldine Doe-Sheriff, and Ambassador of Goodwill, Miss Brigitte Rouhana, Miss Liberia 2012. Miss Rouhana is now serving as an Ambassador of Goodwill for World Orphans Day West Africa for Orphans Concern Liberia and The Stars Foundation.
Amos Sawboh, Chairman of the World Orphans Day West Africa event reported over 400 attendees for the World Orphans Day and Proclamation Ceremony. The stellar event was also joined by 25 orphanages that participated in the Monrovia, Liberia event. United Nations Radio reported on the event, as well as numerous other national media outlets.
World Orphans Day, founded in 2006 by The Stars Foundation CEO, Cheryl Robeson Piggott, was designed to not only build awareness for millions of children without families worldwide, but also provide a platform for organizations serving orphan and displaced children to raise funds for their programs to help these children. Celebrities from the Nashville, NASCAR the American Basketball Association and Hollywood industries have supported the advocacy work initiated by The Stars Foundation each year since 2009.
AMICAALL, Alliance of Mayors and Municipal Leaders on HIV/AIDS in Africa, one of World Orphans Day’s most dynamic partnerships, has a longstanding relationship working with the United Nations for HIV/AIDS awareness and now has been participating in World Orphans Day. AMICAALL Uganda was the first country to bring over 450 mayors and municipal leaders to support and proclaim World Orphans Day in 2015. As the immense numbers are overwhelming of these children in need, so are those growing numbers of organizations that are coming together to change their lives for the better.
This year in Uganda, James Titus, AMICAALL Country Director for Uganda and Uganda Honorary Chairman for World Orphans Day, hosted the Chairperson and the Country Director of AMICAALL Namibia as well as a Director of the South African Local Governments Association (who will be launching an AMICAALL Chapter for South Africa) at a AMICAALL Forum that weekend. World Orphans Day was a featured session. Discussions are ongoing for additional Country AMICAALL organizations to join in with The Stars Foundation to proclaim the Second Monday in November each year as World Orphans Day, so that more fundraising can be done by churches, civic groups, corporations, and sports organizations around the world for the orphans.
World Orphans Day East Africa in Kenya, led by Sonnie Gitonga, Chairwoman, had a tremendous event that included a parade of luxury vehicles carrying banners marking the day as well as empowering the 200 young orphaned heroes—the “stars” of our future. BBC Africa was a strong promoter of the event.
The American Basketball Association (ABA) in the USA, Samaritan’s Feet, as well as SOS Villages, the largest orphanage organization in the world, advocated on behalf of the day in various countries. Thousands of churches joined in prayer for the orphans throughout the world \ Sunday through Monday, November 13-14, with India praying in massive vigils for the 26,000,000 million orphans in their country.
Currently, World Orphans Day is growing strong in more than 40 plus countries expanding into Europe, Asia, India, South America and in the Middle East.
For more information on how you can join in the campaign to help the orphans of the world, kindly visit:
Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General West Africa
Founder: Cheryl Robeson Piggott – World Orphans Day, speaks to Television Audience
Amos Sawboh Chairman Waldemar Very World Orphans Day